Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Jack and the Sly Fox

The mystical tale of:
Jack and the Sly Fox

A book that helps kids understand how to use their natural gifts and talents to "Attract" a life of power, abundance and greatness!
King Zerias is the most feared ruler in the galaxy
Jack is the son of the King, and rebels against his father, "I hope you die soon so I can be King," said young Jack.
The King becomes distraught and calls upon his faithful, all-seeing, Powerful Ones.

"Jack must be sent away to fend for himself," said Uthor (one of the Powerful Ones).

"Before he departs we will place seven of the most precious "Gifts" know in the galaxy inside of Jack," said Authurius (another of the Powerful Ones)
The Gift of Awareness
The Gift of Uniqueness
The Gift of Imagination
The Gift of Creation
The Gift of Voice
The Gift of Vision
The Gift of Love

Once those special talents are discovered and developed they will assist him in becoming the most powerful man on the planet.

George the Sly Fox, has a different plan for Jack. If he can get him to chase money instead of discovering his hidden treasures, Jack will work for him for the rest of his life. 

Will Jack fall victim to the evil trickery of George the Sly Fox and live the life of a mere beggar? Or will he discover his special Gifts and become the great person he is intended to become?

Find out in the mystical tale of, "Jack and the Sly Fox."

Give your child a head start - give him a copy of:


Buy your copy now: 

·        How their actions are creating negative and positive outcomes
·        Why sound decision-making is the key to future success
·        When they choose their friends they should choose wisely
·        Where they go in the future is determined by what they do in the present
·        That they can increase their possibilities of success by becoming more AWARE
 As an adult ... ask yourself ... "What is awareness?" OR Ask yourself, "What separates humans from animals?" The answer ... humans can think and know that they are thinking (try it) ... that act of knowing is called ... AWARENESS. It's a "Gift" - That's one of the things the book teaches your child.

Jack and the Sly Fox,” helps young readers understand the value of developing their natural gifts and talents, and teaches them how to use those hidden treasures to “Attract” success and abundance. The book introduces them to seven special gifts that await their discovery, the Gift of Awareness, Imagination, Creation, Uniqueness, Vision, Voice, and Love.  Through this mystical tale, young people learn, chasing money is not the way to attain riches, but the development of their natural gifts and talents is the road to wealth and abundance. In the end, this valuable resource is designed to help children shift the paradigm from the external pursuit of wealth, to the internal development of “Self” a requisite for success, in all aspects of life.

 Wes Hall

 Author, Wes Hall is available for readings, book signings, and assemblies. For many young people this will be their first time meeting an African American male author, and for as many, it will be their first autographed book. Bring Mr. Hall to your campus, you will be happy you did.  

Buy your copy now:
For more information contact: Wes Hall:
213-973-8203 or

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